Introducing GasPay Staking | Stake & Get Rewarded

2 min readFeb 6, 2021

GasPay updated Reward system

The GasPay’s vision is to create an automated ecosystem where the Rewards Pool maintains a balance between deposits/withdrawal of $GASPAY tokens. To further ensure to achieve this goal, we introduce the GasPay Staking: Stake and get rewarded.

Balance is not the only goal, growing up organically too.

The more people stake, means the more people will be using the GasPay platform. This will result in less $GASPAY token selling pressure, which will lead to an increase in the token value.

The higher is the value in USD of $GASPAY, the fewer tokens are required to cover the rewards claimed by investors. Due to staking, the chances that the Rewards Pool gets drained to zero is very, very low. It is hard to get an specific number due to the different parameters, but the percentage of this to happen is less than 1%.

GasPay vision’s leads to an organic growth

Integration in our Dashboard

Staking has been added to the GasPay App Dashboard. This integration makes it easy to stake/unstake your tokens. Your staked balance will appear after 5 days you’ve staked.

GasPay updated App

Staking Lock

To participate in our staking program you’re required to lock a minimum of 100 $GASPAY tokens in our staking pool for at least 5 days. After this period you will be able to get your staked tokens back, whenever you want.




$GASPAY provides the fundamentals for DeFi investors to make them able to get 100% of their Gas expenses back.