Meet $GASPAY, your Ethereum Gas Solution.

4 min readFeb 3, 2021


What is GasPay?

$GASPAY is built using Ethereum’s ERC-20 architecture. Our goal is to find a solution to the Ethereum gas problem. With our token DeFi investors can get their gas expenses back through a mechanism that works using a Rewards Pool. The contract of this pool tracks the stakeholders gas costs and will match this in $GASPAY value.

Why is GasPay needed?

Firstly, it is important to explain why the gas fees are so expensive sometimes when trading in Uniswap.

Gas fees compensate miners for the energy required to complete transactions, miners determine the fees and can decline or prioritize transactions based on the amount of ETH a user is willing to pay. In other words, users who want transactions completed quickly can pay higher gas fees to ensure speed.

The more transactions are happening in a short amount of time, the more is the work miners have, which means mining prices are expensiver than usual.

Ethereum 2.0 is designed to solve the so-called ‘scalability trilemma’ — to optimize the network architecture without causing decentralization, security, and scalability to suffer. If developers are successful, the upgrades will enable Ethereum to scale to thousands of times its current capacity, while remaining both secure and decentralized, which will be traduced in less Gas Fees.

Ethereum 2.0 has already started, however Gas Fees are still very high, and is not expected Ethereum 2.0 solves this issue soon since it has different phases. The estimated time for this is mid-2022 or early 2023.

Ethereum is fantastic, gas fees aren’t

The GasPay Vision

The GasPay vision is to provide a solution for gas fees among all traders in Uniswap. $GASPAY Stakers will be able to trade without worrying about gas fees anymore.

$GASPAY Vision

The Solution

A part of the pool goes to investors when they claim rewards, and there’s a 6% fee added to every transaction, which goes entirely to the rewards pool. (Except Rewards Transactions) This cycle leads to a Loop, to ensure there are always tokens in the pool.

Rewards Pool

In short terms, stake and get rewarded.

You’re elegible to get your Gas expenses back depending on the amount of $GASPAY you’re staking. For example, if you’re staking the value of the token in $5,000 USD, you can get up to $166,5 USD daily and $4,995 USD in 30 days.

Comparison table of the daily and monthly rewards due to staking the value of $GASPAY

Minimal and intuitive App

Discover the $GASPAY App. Connect your wallet and start getting back your Gas expenses. The Dashboard will be ready and functional since day 1.

  • Current Balance: Connect your Metamask Wallet and visualize your transactions made in the Ethereum Blockchain.
  • Unclaimed Rewards: Here will appear all your earned rewards, you’ll be able to claim them daily at 18:00 UTC.
  • Upcoming Balance: Current Balance + Unclaimed Rewards.
  • Claimed Rewards History: The sum of all your claimed rewards will appear here.
GasPay App


Past, present and future of GasPay.

GasPay Roadmap




$GASPAY provides the fundamentals for DeFi investors to make them able to get 100% of their Gas expenses back.